The Manjuyod White Sandbar
The white sand bar of Manjuyod is a strip of pristine white sand located at about 15 minutes boat ride from the coast of Bais City, in the Negros Oriental province of the Philippines. The surface of this island emerges only during low tide and there are native wooden houses built on stilts. When the high tide comes, these houses look like they are floating on the water. The Manjuyod Sand Bar is considered one of the main attractions of the province, due to it’s specificity. The total surface of the strip it’s about 600 hectare, considering also the submerged portions. You can rent a boat in Bais City and then enjoy this beautiful paradise during the day, or you can even stay overnight renting one of the wooden houses.
How to Get to Manjuyod Sandbar
Manjuyod Sandbar Rates
Manjuyod Sandbar Overnight
Photos of Manjuyod Sandbar